Sedona Hike #1

Finally made it up to Sedona for a hike on Sunday, and we definitely got our money’s worth. I picked the one that ended up a three hour hike, and we forgot to bring food. Soooooooo… hey, at least we had water this time.

We started at Soldier Pass Trailhead about half a mile away from Soldier Pass Trailhead because the parking lot at the trailhead holds like four cars and we showed up at 1:30pm. Soldier Pass Trail takes you about two miles north, then we made a right onto Brin Mesa Trail basically loops back to take Cibola Pass Trail which cuts you back over to the start. 5.2 miles altogether.

Later in the trip we found an “off-road” path that took us to a place labeled on the map as Hole In The Sky, which I would officially describe as “a big ass rock you can climb on top of and see everything.” They say there are spiritual vortexes around Sedona that are supposed to be forces of positive energy. I’m not sure if this spot is one of them, but there is obviously something to sitting up on a rock and looking at this ridiculous scenery that just makes you feel good. Hard to explain, but I’d go back there alone just to sit and get lost for a while. And probably will to be honest.

More left to accomplish in Sedona, but as it warms up a bit out here we’re eyeing Flagstaff for our next trip out. Probably not until later in the week though. My legs f**king hurt.