The best laid plans…

…something, something, something… Mouse Rat rules.

Hello from Florida. Yeah, I’m in Florida now.

I guess the trip has started? The van project began back in September (I think), was supposed to be done by Thanksgiving, and we were going to leave the weekend after.

When that CLEARLY was not going to happen, the plan turned to the van being done by Christmas, cool, I’ll spend Christmas down in Florida and then head out from there.

Theeeeeeen a cold streak of below freezing temperatures hit Maryland.

“Okay,” he said optimistically, “I’ll hook up some lights and the heater and I’ll be able to work inside the van.”

Sure. What could go wrong with running a propane heater inside a closed van for hours on end? Maybe I’ll hook up the CO/propane detector and make I won’t, you know, fucking kill myself.

Well wouldn’t you know it, I ran the heater for about 2 minutes and the propane alarm went off. Whether the heater wasn’t burning all the propane properly and a bunch was making it out, or there’s just a straight up propane leak, I have no idea and I don’t even know where to start looking. Either way, I rather enjoy life these days, I’d like to continue with them, so the project running out of Maryland was essentially over.

Fast forward two weeks, and I’m down in Florida with two dogs, two vans, all my crap, and a BUNCH OF SHIT to build. I’ve traded freezing temperatures for the occasional 5 minute monsoon, but I’d say that’s a fair trade.

I’ll post a van update at some point, probably when it doesn’t look like complete chaos… for now here’s a picture of Charlie super proud of her tennis ball hole.

You do good, Charlie. You do good.